


动词 can be single words or can 有 "helpers" such as , , , is, am, , or . 动词 can be accompanied by modals such as 可以, , 可能, or 五月. As if that 是 not confusing enough, there exists another kind of verb, 短语动词, which look like 动词 与 prepositions (or ad动词) attached: , 分手, 填写, 遇到. 有些是三个字: 想出办法, 检查.

You probably 有 遇到 many 动词 like these 与出 experiencing any discomfort. You 可能 never even need to know that 短语动词 exist. 然而, if you 有 learned to identify the subject 和 verb of a sentence by crossing 出 all the prepositional phrases (在楼梯上, 出门), then 短语动词 五月 be problematic. 例如,在动词短语中 想出办法, is 一个介词? Then where is the object of the preposition? 或者它是动词的一部分?

以这句话为例:你遇到过这样的动词."  It 将 be easy to make the mistake of calling the verb 运行, 和 identifying into 动词 as 一个介词al phrase. 事实上,动词是 遇到,这意味着 遇到; 动词 is a direct object: what you 遇到. 你没有 运行. 你有 遇到.

Phrasals can look like a verb + preposition (调查),或者动词+副词(离开), or a verb + adverb + preposition (远离). An Internet search turns up exhaustive discussions of phrasals (they are separable, 分不开的, 传递, in传递) 和 word order related to phrasals, 但总的来说, 短语动词 有 the following general characteristics:

  • 他们是 非正式的; usually there exists another, more "proper" word 与 the same or similar meaning.
  • 他们是 惯用; that is, you cannot easily make 出 the meaning of the verb by adding up the meanings of its parts.
  • 然而,他们经常是这样 明智的, even if not obvious; phrasals do make a certain amount of sense, 这取决于你如何理解 粒子,或类似介词的连词.

短语动词s are 非正式的, though perfectly acceptable in most academic papers. 然而, some 短语动词 contain "filler" words that do not add meaning (继续前进 意思是一样的 继续,例如; 掉下来 意思是一样的 摔下来). 有些含糊不清或有些陈词滥调. In order to attain vivid writing, you will sometimes want to substitute other, stronger 动词. 

例如, here are some 短语动词 和 possible substitutes:


短语动词 替换
看看 检查或借用
仰望 欣赏

Some 短语动词 are difficult to replace. It's hard to think of a better way, for example, to say, "I 有 to look up the word in the dictionary." And if you happen to be writing dialogue, the 非正式的ity of phrasals 五月 be more authentic than stuffier language.

There are a great many 短语动词, far too many to list or memorize. For lists of 短语动词 与 their corresponding meanings, try searching the Internet using the keyword "短语动词."

动词短语是习惯用语. 例如, even if you know the meanings of 打击up, you cannot add them together to arrive obviously at the intended meaning of 炸毁, which means explode or erupt 与 force. 打击 + up 可能 just as easily refer to a gentle updraft of wind.

因为它们是习惯用语, phrasals 和 their meanings 可能 vary depending on where the speaker lives. This TIP Sheet uses meanings commonly understood in the United States, 特别是在加州, 和 even more specifically in a rural area of Northern California. Speakers of British English or even speakers from other regions of the U.S. 可能 underst和 some of these expressions differently. 例如, while an American 可能 给你打电话 在你的手机上,英国人会这么做 给你打电话 告诉你他需要 躺下睡觉了 (stay temporarily, the American equivalent of 崩溃在你的公寓里. 在美国南部.S.也许吧 疾走 下来 the car; in California one 将 软管 it 下来 与水.

The website Phrasal Verb Demon offers a great discussion of phrasals. 同时, it illustrates the 惯用 nature of phrasals, giving definitions as they are commonly understood in Great Britian; some of these 五月 be new to U.S. readers (w软管 computers, for example, usually 冻结,而英国的电脑 打包.)

即使它们是习惯用语, many phrasals do make a certain amount of sense, 这取决于你如何理解 粒子,或类似介词的连词. A single preposition/粒子 can carry any of a multitude of meanings, 和 the meaning of a phrasal verb like 炸毁 很大程度上取决于…的意思 up 你选择. 例如, up 可以参考increase ()梳洗一番 = increasing freshness); to movement (烧开 = move ab出 in a chaotic way); or being 出 of bed (起床, 熬夜 (起床或不睡觉).

例如,在的情况下 炸毁,你可能会理解 up as relating either to increase (as a fireball increases, 也许), or to movement (for chaotic movement of air 和 debris). (Up in 炸毁, on the other h和, 有 nothing whatever to do 与 staying 出 of bed.)

It is largely the 粒子 that changes the meaning of a phrasal verb. 例如,这个词 打破 usually means a sudden stopping, bursting, or loss of function. On the other h和, the website Phrasal Verb Demon lists seven different senses of the word up九种不同的感觉 百分之十 下来. 分手 is a phrasal verb meaning to end a personal relationship (up =完成). 分解 意思是停止运作(下来 =失败),以及 打破 意思是突然发生的( =外观).

Phrasals frequently are figurative; there is often an underlying metaphor that can help you make sense of them. 在…的情况下 炸毁, the metaphor compares the movement of air created by an explosion to the movement of boiling water in a kettle. 此外, 炸毁 is frequently itself used in a figurative sense, as in, "The issue of the councilman's overspending 炸毁了 有一次报纸刊登了这个故事.“在这里, the sudden public revelation 和 subsequent discussion of the councilman's overspending is compared to an explosion.

For more discussion of phrasals 和 their underlying logic, see www.phrasalverbdemon.com.





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