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如果你说的第一个词是名词(Mama or cookie),当你知道“”时,一个动词可能紧随其后。Give “饼干”比“饼干”得到的结果更好.在句子中,动词表达主语所做的事情(她) hopes 或者主题是什么(她是s confident). 所有动词都是以下三种类型之一:

  • Action verbs
  • Linking verbs
  • Helping verbs

Action verbs
在句子中,动作动词表示主语 does. 动作动词表示身体或精神的动作: think, eat, collide, realize, dance. 不可否认,其中一些人似乎比其他人更活跃. Nevertheless, realize is still as much a verb as collide:

I finally realized my mistake.
The outfielder collided with the second-baseman.
She dances every Friday night.

在现在时中,以…为主语的陈述 he, she, or it, we add an s to the verb: I go downstairs, we go downstairs, and ballplayers go downstairs, but he goes downstairs and Loren goes downstairs. 欲了解更多信息,请参阅提示表“主谓一致”.")

Linking verbs
连系动词是动词中的“沙发土豆”,也就是说,它一点也不活跃. 在句子中,连系动词告诉主语什么 is rather than what it does; linking verbs express a state of being. 例如,动词的所有形式 to be are linking verbs:

1st person (I; we) 2nd person (you) 3rd person (she, he, it; they)
present am; are are is; are
past was; were were was; were
participle [have] been; [had] been [have] been; [had] been [has] been; [had] been

这些动词连接主语,比如, Loren,提供有关该主题的更多信息: Loren is an athlete, or Loren was glad.

另一组连系动词与我们的五种感官有关——看, tasting, touching, hearing, 还有嗅觉,以及我们感知世界的方式:动词 appear, seem, look, feel, smell, taste, and sound, for example. When used as linking verbs, 他们把主语和提供更多信息的单词连接起来:

Loren seems anxious about the test.
The well water tastes wonderful.
My carpet still feels damp.
You sound hoarse.
The curtains smell a little smoky.

作为连系动词,这些“意义”动词的意思大致相同. Loren seems anxious is roughly equivalent to Loren is anxious; the curtains smell smoky is about the same as the curtains are smoky. 然而,这些相同的“意义”动词有时也可以是行为动词. 这些动词是否是连系动词的真正检验是看它是否与主语形成对等关系, almost like a math equation: Loren = anxious; curtains = smoky. Consider the sentence 我感冒了,吃不出午饭的味道. Taste 这里并没有画出等价物 I and lunch; rather, here it is an action verb, something the subject does. In the sentence Can you smell smoke? smell 不描述什么主题 is, but what the subject does; it is an action verb.

其他常见的连系动词包括 become, remain, and grow,当他们将主语与关于该主语的更多信息(名词或形容词)联系起来时:

You will soon become tired of the monotony.
Pha has become a very responsible teenager.
I remain hopeful.
Daniel grew more and more confident.

同样,这些动词在其他句子中可能是行为动词,比如in I grew carrots.

Helping verbs...
动词通常与辅助动词一起出现,以微调其含义, 通常表示某事发生的时间. The complete verb 是主动词加助动词吗.

Verb tense 表示时间的特征动词的名称是什么. 一般现在时动词表示现在或习惯的动作, and simple past tense verbs express actions that were completed in the past; neither simple present nor simple past tense verbs require helping verbs. 然而,大多数其他动词时态需要一个或多个助动词. Moreover, 一些助动词表达的不仅仅是时间-可能性, obligation, or permission, for example.

...have, has, had
每个动词都有三种基本形式:现在时或一般时、过去时和分词形式. 所有分词形式都需要助动词来微调时间表达:

Comets have collided with earth many times.
Stan had known about the plan for some time.


present or simple form past form participle form participle + helper
collide collided collided has, have, had collided
is was been has, have, had been
choose chose chosen has, have, had been
know knew known

has, have, had been

在句子中用作动词的分词 must be used with has, have, or had. 没有助词的分词成为形容词: 早期的探险家航行过了大西洋 known world.

...To be: am, are, is, was, were, been

Verbs with -ing 结局需要一个帮手 to be family of verbs. 这些进行时态表示正在进行的现在动作, 持续的过去的行动或未来计划的行动:

They are still working on the contract.
Phanat was studying all night.
Holly had been reviewing her notes since the day before.
We are holding student elections next September.

Verbs with -ing endings must be used with one of the to be helpers; an -ing 没有辅助词的单词没有资格充当句子的动词. It can, however, be a noun (Hiking is fun) or an adjective (The hiking trail is closed)., does, did
The helping verbs do, does, and did 可选地用于增加强调: She certainly does like her morning mocha.

虽然添加强调是可选的,但这些帮助程序 must be used when forming questions: Does Andrea ski every weekend? 在不与动作动词结合的句子中,它们也必须与动词连用: Don't you want to take the train? Do not wait for me past 4:30.

When do and does are used, 它们改变形式以匹配主语,而主动词保持简单形式:instead of She likes coffee, we would say, She sure does like her coffee. 同样地,对于疑问句,我们改变助动词的形式,使主动词保持简单形式: Does Andrea ski? The negative is Andrea does not ski,尽管声明应该是 Andrea skis. (In the past tense, with did, the verb never changes form.)

...will and shall
将来时动词需要助动词, will or shall表达意图、期望或将要发生的行动.

We shall drive to Santa Barbara in August.
Krista will not attend.
We will be holding student elections in September.

...Would, could, should, can, may, might...
The verb helpers would, could, should, can, may, might, must, supposed to, ought to, used to, and have to are examples of modal helpers. (Will and shall are technically modals as well.情态助动词与真实动词没有什么不同,因为它们永远不会改变形式. 它们很容易使用,因为它们总是与动词的简单形式连用:

I may want to change my flight.
You can cash your check at the grocery store.
Paul must notify his employer soon.


Expresses For example...
past habit I never used to eat breakfast; I would never eat breakfast.
requests He would like us to clean up; could you clean up? Can you do it?
permission Yes, you can go. You may change the channel. He could leave early.
necessity, advisability You must see that movie! We ought to go soon; we will have to call later.
possibility I might pay with cash; we may write a check. That could be true.

有关某些情态动词的各种可能含义的更多信息, see the TIP Sheet "Would, Should, Could.有关动词的更多信息,请参阅技巧手册“一致动词时态”和“双词动词”."

(语法怪咖提示:有时候,当像 would and could 表达可能性或愿望的陈述, 或者当他们陈述与事实相反的事情时, a special verb form, the subjunctive, is required. For example, If he had known, he would have come sooner 一种表达与事实相反吗. 所以在这个例子中,虚拟语气使助手变成 have instead of the expected has想了解更多信息,请查阅“虚拟语气”的语法和用法指南.")

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